Tuesday 15 February 2011

Once, twice, three times a lady...? I mean lucky....

Liverpool supporters all over had the last laugh, including myself, for as Valentines day drew to a close, well, so did Chelsea. In what was Fernand'oh Torres' second game for his glittering new club, he put on a performance that was once again below average. Granted of course it was a slight better attempt than when a week earlier in his first game he came face to face with his 'old' club Liverpool, who lets face it, still managed to tear Chelsea's confidence to shreds even though they were still nursing a broken heart, in which he came across as exciting as a sandwich that's been left out in the rain. For a week. 

So he was hauled off once again midway through the second half, away against Fulham, and his aging replacement in the form of Drogba did a much better job of playing really well but not scoring, resulting in a lucky draw, which could have easily been three points for Fulham to have partied through the night with had they scored a late penalty. Torres' shots were few and failures and most of the time he looked like a lost lamb among wolves. Ok so Torres did show a little spark today, but since Chelsea so kindly paid £50m for him, he should bloody well have been a walking inferno. I mean the blues supporters wanted to see the smoke coming off his boots at the least.

Will he be third time lucky? We'll have to just wait and see, and laugh in the meantime.

Chelsea, a team who were pretty much perfect, with their unbeaten run affected as usual once Mr Billionaire resurfaced from his yacht in late autumn, seemed to perform better without him. Liverpool let Torres get away with his underperforming for months, I have a feeling that won't be the case with Chelsea. They are a great team, there's no doubt about it, but there is a very bitter taste left in the mouth nowadays; it's as though this deal was a sales scam, paying ridiculous money for something that doesn't seem to work, something you could only see the likes of old DelBoy Trotter setting up.

In the end, Torres will soon realise that his new club and new wage will reflect that ALL that glitters IS gold, because it certainly won't be silverware that he'll be seeing this year.

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